Another Gift from God – His Angels

January 8, 2024

Throughout history, humans have often wondered whether they are the only intelligent beings in this universe. One of the most recent scientific attempts is the search for extraterrestrial life. If life is out there, will it prove friend or foe? The Bible answers this question with a resounding “Yes.” Who are these cosmic creatures? They are called angels. Belief in angels is found in the history of all nations.

The Bible says that angels, like everything else in this universe, are created by God. God tells Job that the angels sang their joy while God created the earth (Job 38:1-7). Angels have separate and individual personalities. We read about Gabriel announcing the birth of John the Baptist and Jesus (Luke 1), and Gabriel gives the prophet Daniel a vision from God (Daniel 8 & 9). Satan was a powerful angel that fell from favor while trying to be like God (Isaiah 14:12-15), and Michael is the archangel in charge of God’s army to fight against Satan’s evil army (Revelation 12:7).

Today, many people are most fascinated with angels because the stories of unexplainable miracles are so common. For example, Cheri and Cody were walking down a rainy country road that fateful day, with no idea their lives would change forever. When suddenly, right before them, one driver lost control of her car, and violently crashed directly into the oncoming car! Cheri and Cody rushed to help the two drivers to safety. They called 9-1-1 for help, explaining that the accident was very bad, and they needed rescue crews to bring the jaws of life. They tried to free the two drivers from their fiery, smoke-filled cars, but it was no use. The flames were burning the drivers and Cheri and Cody were unable to free them from their mangled cars. That’s when one driver, Lisa, began to pray. Little did she know, her prayers weren’t the only ones being sent up to Heaven that day. Cheri was also shouting out asking God to send a miracle.

That’s when they saw a burst of bright white light, and hands reaching in to miraculously pull the drivers from their cars. This desperate situation turned into a divine rescue! “God sent an angel!” said Cheri. It “could only be that God sent angels,” added Lisa. Desperate prayers were answered, precious lives were saved, and God orchestrated a miracle that day on Highway 6. Perhaps there are explanations for miracles such as these, but such stories are so numerous, and have existed throughout human history.

The internet has allowed an explosion of angel stories to be circulated on social media. They include rescues from storms, floods, wrecks, and animal attacks. Another story was about a four-year-old girl that was snatched from a group of children by a mountain lion. As the mountain lion pinned the little girl to the ground to clench her more securely in his jaws of death, the girl’s mother screamed. The lion didn’t seem overly concerned, and then inexplicably ran away. We could wonder if the story was true, since it was on the internet. The family knows an angel scared the lion away as they recalled the same thing happened to Daniel in the lion’s den. We read in Daniel 6:22, “My God sent his angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions. They have not hurt me, because I was found innocent in his sight. Nor have I ever done any wrong before you, Your Majesty.”

God loves us, and His angels are just one more tool He uses to bring us into a personal relationship with Him. It is important to remember that we are never to worship angels (Colossians 2:18), but celebrate the miracles God does in our lives, and give Him all the glory. If you have an angel story I hope you will tell someone, and always give glory to God.

Do you have an angel story? Can you think of a time when a miracle happened, and someone was present and did an amazing act to help you, a miraculous act, and then that person seemed to vanish, or at least you never met or saw that person again? Do you think you have a guardian angel? Can you think of times that a force of aid seems to have been assigned to you that has protected you through your life? Who can you tell your story to? Why does God command us never to worship angels (Colossians 2:18)? How can you make sure you never do?